What We Believe

The Foundation.....Our confession of faith and belief in Jesus Christ accepted as the authority by our Church. We the Household of Israel, Temple of Jesus Christ are founded upon the belief in the full throne of God and Jesus Christ as our Savior and Redeemer. We adhere to all of the written Word of God as founded in the King James Version of the bible, including the Apocrypha, the Oxford University Press.

The Law.....The Law is the truth – “to the law and to the testimony if they speak not according to this word it is because there is no light in them,” (Isaiah 8: 20). We believe in the Ten Commandments written by the hand of God, and the testimonies of Jesus Christ. This includes the belief in the fourth commandment elevating the seventh day as a holy day above all, because Christ is Lord of the Sabbath.

The Sanctification....Our disassociation with traditional religions and organizations. We are not affiliated with or associated with any traditional established religious organizations. We have found evidence that the doctrine of traditional religious groups do not adhere strictly to the commandments of God and the testimonies of Jesus Christ. “I am the Lord... I change not,” (Malachi 3: 6). The laws of God are binding upon all people from the beginning unto the end.

The Sacrament....Jesus Christ set the example. We practice the following sacraments which symbolizes sanctification, perfection and being born again: Baptism; Foot washing; Hand washing; Communion; Anointing.  

The Sabbath Day....We worship God on the Seventh Day Sabbath, which has been sanctified by God as a holy day of rest. The seventh day is the day that God rested from His work and sanctified after He created the earth. He set the seventh day apart from the other days of the week and ordained it most holy. God blessed the seventh day and named it the Sabbath and decreed it a law in the Ten Commandments. We are to stop work and rest as God did. We are also to cease from our common activities and pleasures. We do not celebrate weddings, family reunions or funerals on the Sabbath day.

The Holy Days....Holy days are special days set apart and sanctified by God for worshipping Him. The bible tells us the days that God has set apart as holy. We do not celebrate Christmas, Easter, Halloween or Valentine’s Day or any common holiday that we have found is based upon paganism. We celebrate the following days as sacred and hallow to be kept like the seventh day: Passover (Feast of Unleavened Bread), Pentecost (Feast of Harvest or Firstfruits), Trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles (Feast of Ingathering). We also observe Purim and the Day of Dedication.

Observance of the New Moon....Our church assembles at the beginning of each month to observe the New Moon with a worship service.

Tithes & Offerings....Our Church is established according to the bible regarding tithes and offerings. The Church as established in the bible is supported by the freewill offering of all its saints. This is based upon the good example of Abraham and Jacob, who gave a tenth of their earnings to the Lord, and the widow, who cast her mite.

The Food laws....Our Church is established according to the bible regarding the food laws. We institute the food laws according to the bible. We, as a peculiar people, who are sanctified unto the Lord, recognize that our bodies are the Temple of God. We have received instruction from God, commanding us not to destroy our bodies. We eat and drink only those foods that have been sanctified and blessed by Him. We do not partake in illicit drugs or indulge in smoking or drinking alcohol.

Our Identity....We are true Israelites, the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We have found through searching the scriptures that the true Israelite is identified as a people who were taken, bound to Egypt, and later sold as slaves beyond the rivers of Ethiopia. These people became the least of all people, the tail and not the head, a proverb and byword that would not succeed in this world. The only people who fit this description are found among the slaves brought to the New World from Africa and their descendents. God has begun to call His people, Israel, back to Him. God has promised that after He had taken out of the Gentiles a people, He would return and build the House of David, which has fallen down.

Statement of Dress Code....All members must dress modestly in appropriate clothing. We should appear before God in our best. Women do not wear pants or split skirts (culottes) in our services.  Hemlines are to be below the knees at all times. Women and girls (12 and older), cover their heads in service. Men do not wear long hair, braids, earrings or anything pertaining to women or sodomites. Shoes must be worn in our services. Shorts, sleeveless tops and dresses, clothing that expose the midriff or back, or anything of a revealing nature must not be worn.


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"Christ is the head of the church..."
"Fear God & keep his commandments.."

2266 Arthur Street | Gary, IN 46404 | 219.949.9308 | www.householdofisrael.org